The Camden Market is a melting pot of food, music, vintage fashion, art, and records. There is everything you can imagine from unique handmade items to a rave store and even a country bar. Everywhere you look vendors are pointing at you with toothpicks holding chicken or strawberries luring you in from the surrounding competition of food stalls. Camden Market is known for its vast size, Camden Lock Bridge, street food, and creative vendors.
If you’ve seen anything about the market on Tiktok you’ll know of the trending places to eat and the must see areas of Camden. Some popular food stalls we loved were The Mac Factory, Magic juice, Prep’ La Crepe, and KHAAO. Here you’ll find gooey mac and cheese, chocolate covered strawberries, savory crepes, and sandwiches. While everyone raves about the chocolate covered strawberries at Borough Market, I don’t think they stand a chance next to the strawberries I ate at Magic Juice in Camden. If the weather is cold you can eat in a glass igloo!
A hole in the wall bar that caught my attention was Coyote Ugly, a line dancing country bar near Hansel and Gretal candy store. There were impressive line dancers on the bartop teaching me dances and soon I was teaching the moves to my favorite songs like I See Country and Good time.
The market can feel like a maze with the horse tunnels and outstanding diversity of stalls. It can be difficult to experience the market in one day if you don’t know your way around. A few landmarks to look for are the lock bridge, Amy Winehouse statue, Hansel and Gretal store, and Music Walk of Fame.